Responding to Workers United’s Pride Month smear campaign

Read more about the Unfair Labor Practice charges Starbucks filed against Workers United for making maliciously false statements about the gender-affirming care benefits we provide and our longstanding policy allowing Pride decorations in our stores.

Our unwavering support for Pride Month celebrations and the LGBTQIA2+ community

Read more about the many ways Starbucks celebrates, supports and empowers our LGBTQIA2+ partners and customers during Pride Month and throughout the year.

Addressing misinformation: Access to gender-affirming care for all partners

Read more about our longstanding commitment to provide all partners enrolled in a Starbucks health plan access to gender-affirming care.

Our difficult decision to close Ithaca area stores

Read more about the outcomes of a regular business review, which included the difficult decision to close two Ithaca area stores due to extreme operational challenges.

Latest in our ongoing exchange with Workers United President Lynne Fox

Read more about our latest correspondence with Workers United President Lynne Fox on bargaining delays, unlawful broadcasts of bargaining sessions, lack of commitment to in-person bargaining and requests for a cookie-cutter national contract.

Starbucks launches a new bargaining status lookup tool

Read more about our bargaining status lookup tool, which provides partners real-time updates on bargaining for the 3% of our U.S. company-owned stores represented by a union.

Sharing our commitment to partners with the Senate HELP Committee

Read more about our long-standing commitment to partners and watch a recap of former interim ceo Howard Schultz's testimony before the U.S. Senate HELP Committee.

Building a different kind of company

Read more about how Starbucks has set itself apart as a different kind of company that puts its partners first, and hear directly from founder Howard Schultz as he prepares to appear before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions.

Our long-standing efforts to put our partners first

Read more about our commitment to moving the good-faith bargaining process forward and why Starbucks continues to be the employer of choice for more than 235,000 U.S. partners.

Working with the Senate HELP Committee

Read more about outcomes of our constructive dialogue with Chairman Sanders and other Members of the Senate HELP Committee, including our agreement for interim ceo Howard Schultz to testify on behalf of the company on March 29.

Responding to a recent ALJ decision involving several Buffalo-area stores

Read more about our position on the recent decision from an Administrative Law Judge involving several Buffalo-are stores, including our intention to seek a full legal review of the matter.

Our response to Chairman Sanders & other Members of the Senate HELP Committee following an announced subpoena vote

Read more about our latest response to Chairman Sanders and other Members of the Senate HELP Committee reaffirming our offer to make AJ Jones and other senior executives available to appear at a proposed March 15 hearing.