Single Store Voting
From the beginning of the unionization effort, we have been clear that we are better when we work directly together without a union separating us.
From the beginning of the unionization effort, we have been clear that we are better when we work directly together without a union separating us.
Creating a safe space is a shared community responsibility. We call it “the third place” – a warm and welcoming environment outside of our homes and workspaces where we connect and build community. We welcome all who use our spaces as intended, are considerate of others, communicate with respect, and act responsibly.
Anyone can file Unfair Labor Practice Charges (ULPs) with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). Once a charge is filed, the NLRB has the responsibility to investigate and review the allegation and decide if it has sufficient merit to proceed.
It’s important to note that when the NLRB decides that a ULP has merit it is simply saying the process and investigation should continue. Deciding that a ULP has merit is not an endorsement of the charge or a finding of any wrongdoing.
We respect and support our partners and our partners voices will always be heard. Together, we have the power to effect positive change in our stores, our company, and the communities we serve.
Our partner meetings are designed to provide information that will enable each partner to make the right decision for themselves.