Starbucks and Workers United Resume Bargaining

Starbucks Response to the Union’s Strike Authorization
Updated on: December 17, 2024
It is disappointing that the union is considering a strike rather than focusing on what have been extremely productive negotiations. Since April we’ve scheduled and attended more than eight multi-day bargaining sessions where we’ve reached thirty meaningful agreements on dozens of topics Workers United delegates told us were important to them, including many economic issues.
We remain committed to working together and committed to reaching a final framework agreement. This is our goal. If the delegates want to serve the partners they represent, they need to continue the work of negotiating an agreement.
Starbucks offers competitive pay and best in class benefits that together are worth an average of $30 per hour for baristas. Our industry leading benefits are available to partners who work as little as 20 hours per week. They include health care, free college tuition, paid family leave and company stock grants. No other retailer offers this kind of comprehensive pay and benefits package.
Starbucks and Workers United Meet Again to Continue Framework Bargaining
Updated on: August 30, 2024
Starbucks and Workers United have met each month since April to advance our path forward together.
This week, we met in Atlanta for a three-day bargaining session where we advanced non-economic measures within the foundational framework that will form the basis of single-store contracts. We are also making progress on resolving outstanding litigation.
We look forward to furthering our constructive relationship and reconvening next month to continue negotiations.
Starbucks and Workers United Continue to Make Progress at the Bargaining Table
Updated on: August 2, 2024
Workers United and Starbucks continue to make solid progress in foundational framework bargaining meetings. We reconvened for three days this week in Los Angeles to continue advancing non-economic measures. We look forward to continuing that positive trajectory as negotiations continue.
Starbucks and Workers United Meet Again to Advance Framework Bargaining
Updated on: July 1, 2024
Starbucks and Workers United met last week in Dallas, Texas to continue advancing the framework intended to be the foundation of each single-store contract. The two days of positive negotiations advanced non-economic measures within that framework. We look forward to continuing negotiations, and our goal remains to reach ratified contracts for partners in represented stores by the end of this year.
Starbucks and Workers United Report Further Progress at the Bargaining Table
Updated on: June 4, 2024
The two-day session last week in Chicago advanced several matters within the foundational framework intended to be the foundation of each single-store contract. We are pleased that the matters discussed were grounded in the needs and concerns of both the company and the union-represented partners. Agreements were made that ensure the support and education of partners choosing union representation and a steady, transparent sharing of information between the union and Starbucks. We are proud of the progress we’ve made, and the work is not done yet. We will meet again soon to continue talks.
Starbucks and Workers United to Continue Framework Bargaining
Updated on: May 20, 2024
Following a successful session in late April, bargaining committees for Starbucks and Workers United are once again meeting in-person during the week of May 27th to advance discussions about the bargaining framework intended to be the foundation of each single-store contract.
During the April bargaining sessions in Atlanta, the parties discussed a broad range of topics, including a shared commitment to mutual respect, the process to resolve disputes, and details relating to the union’s representation of partners, as both sides work towards a foundational framework that will contribute to single-store contract negotiations and ratification.
We remain steadfast in our goal of reaching ratified contracts for represented stores in 2024, and believe that these broader discussions about bargaining will help to inform decisions made at the single-store level.
Together, we aim to make significant progress and look forward to continuing a relationship based on mutual respect.
Statement from Starbucks and Workers United:
Updated on: April 26, 2024
“Starbucks and Workers United remain committed to building a positive, productive relationship. This week, we conducted contract bargaining over a two-day session in Atlanta, Georgia. We made significant progress. Over the course of the two days, we discussed a broad range of topics, including a shared commitment to mutual respect, the process to resolve grievances, and details relating to the union’s representation of partners as both sides worked on the foundational framework that will contribute to single-store contract negotiations and ratification.
“There’s more to do, but we are committed to working together. As a next step, we will meet again in late May to continue work on the framework intended to be the foundation of each single-store contract.”
Starbucks and Workers United to Resume Bargaining
This week, bargaining committees for Starbucks and Workers United will meet in-person to resume contract bargaining further solidifying our shared commitment to work constructively in the interests of partners.
This exciting progress on the foundational framework, announced in February, is intended to achieve both collective bargaining agreements for represented stores and resolve litigation, including that related to the Starbucks brand. This is a positive step toward achieving our December goal of reaching ratified contracts for represented stores in 2024.
Some proposals that may affect all partners represented by Workers United may be raised by the union’s delegates. Store agreements, intended to address the unique needs and priorities of partners in each represented store, will be negotiated separately and ratified accordingly.
Our partners are the core of our business. We are deeply committed to delivering on our partner promise and to restitching the fabric of the green apron for all partners at Starbucks. For those partners who have chosen to freely associate and bargain collectively, fulfilling that promise means working earnestly to progress negotiations towards first contracts that address the unique needs of each union-represented store.
While there is important work ahead, coming together to work on this foundational framework and resuming store contract bargaining represents an important step.