Union identifies a contact person for the newly certified store and issues a demand to bargain to the employer.
Step 2
The parties confirm the date and location for a first bargaining session (and potentially future bargaining sessions).
Step 3
Company and union bargaining committees meet in person for a series of store-specific bargaining sessions to present and discuss proposals and counterproposals for the certified store.
Step 4
Over a series of bargaining sessions, company and union bargaining committees try in good faith to reach tentative agreements on specific terms and conditions of employment for the certified store and continue that process until a good faith impasse or agreement is reached on an entire contract.
Step 5
Partners accept or reject a proposed collective bargaining agreement for their store based on procedures set forth in the union’s by-laws and/or constitution.
Once a binding agreement is reached, Starbucks, the union, and all bargaining unit partners in that store, abide by the terms of that contract for the duration of the agreement.