What You Need to Know About In-Person Voting

While some in-person voting practices may vary store-by-store, we want to ensure partners know key consistent aspects of the process. As you consider your choice between the reimagined Starbucks and a union, we ask one thing. Get. The. Facts. Your voice, your choice is too important not to.
It also bears repeating that signing a petition or other documents does not mean partners have to vote for a union. Voting is done by secret ballot, and no one will know the way you voted unless you tell them so yourself.
Step 1: Know the voting times and polling location. Allow yourself plenty of time to get to the polling location. Voting dates and times will be posted in back-of-house fliers, the partner schedule, and the NLRB’s Notice of Election.
Step 2: Look for the polling signage when you arrive. The polling location will be staffed by an NLRB agent. No union representatives or Starbucks leaders will be at the location during the voting times. There may, however, be two Starbucks partners at the location acting as election observers to ensure that all partners are able to make their voices heard through a secret ballot.
While serving, these observers are not allowed by law to engage in any kind of campaigning. They cannot wear buttons or badges, pass out leaflets, or attempt to discuss the election with those who come to vote.
Step 3: Show identification to confirm your identity and receive your ballot. You cannot vote via a proxy. This helps ensure elections include only eligible partner voices.
Step 4: Cast your vote. There will be only one question on the ballot: The question is: “Do you wish to be represented for purposes of collective bargaining by Workers United?” Voting “Yes” means that Workers United will speak for you, and voting “No” means that you’ll continue speaking for yourself and working directly with your leadership.
Finally, remember, your vote is secret. No one will know which option you vote for. In fact, if you do write your name or initials on the ballot, it will not be counted.